While new environmental regulations arise, GMT offers comprehensive assistance for the selection & installation of the suitable equipment.
To ensure that equipment selection as well as its installation complies with the related legislation requirements and meets each vessel’s unique operational conditions, we undertake profound retrofitting studies promoting green technologies.
GMT follows a specific procedure in order to support the owner’s selection process and to offer fully customized solutions. We track client’s needs through a qualitative research, followed by a techno-economic study for the retrofit. In order to 3D design any modification, an on board 3D scanning survey is performed, offering data required for the vessel’s digital representation. 3D scanning survey and 3D design reduces the risk of clashes with the existing structure and provides the opportunity to virtually assess the project’s outcome.
While determining the viability of the proposed retrofits, the ship owner is able to compare all the pros and cons of the pertinent systems, taking under consideration various parameters, including CAPEX & OPEX.